EPISODE 22 | MINDFUL MOMENTS- Quiet Continuous Breathing

Today’s mindful moments episode is all about setting your morning right with a quiet continuous breathing meditation. Whether you have 30 seconds or 30 minutes a morning, this will help get you clued into your own body every morning, and set you throughout your day with more positive self-talk and intention. I recommend this meditation both before and after you take your basal body temperature. Nothing fancy, just quiet continuous breathing and some visualization to start your day out with a connection to yourself and your calmest potential. To share your own fertility story, please email me at hillary@ladypotions.com. I look forward to connecting with you, as you are what this podcast is all about.

TIP: Do this BEFORE you take your BBT in the morning for optimal mindset throughout your day


[1:11] Today's Mindful Moments Meditation focuses on the quiet and continuous breath.

[2:31] Watching bad news early in the day had long-lasting effects and set the tone for a negative day. Shawn Achor and his wife Michelle Gielan, as originally reported in Harvard Business Review, found when you’re exposed to just three minutes of negative news first thing in the morning, you have a 27 percent higher likelihood of reporting that you had a bad day six to eight hours later, compared to a group exposed to positive, solutions-focused news.

[4:18] If you like these meditations and want to sign up for my free 29-day meditation challenge I’ll be offering in April, go to the show notes click here and click the link to sign up so you’ll know as soon as it is live. If you are listening to this past April 2018 you can still click the link and you'll be able to purchase the challenge to do on your own.

[6:09] The key is to pay attention and observe the breath. This meditation does 4 x 4 breaths, with observing on the inhale and exhale. This is a technique that I just practiced with my teacher davidji and I absolutely love. I have a hard time following my breath, but this practice had me in a trance in a matter of minutes.

[9:02] It is recommended to do this meditation, take your basal body temperature and then practice the meditation again. Even as little as 5 minutes can be key to setting the tone for the day.

[10:45] You will hear a bell at the 5, 10, 15 and 20-minute mark. This will remind us to gently move our focus back on the breath.

[11:21] Meditation begins and offers a sweet spot of quiet and quickness.

[35:59] Meditation ends and we focus on our physical surroundings and the peacefulness we cultivated.


Link to sign up for free 29-day meditation challenge

Manifest Your Dream Life Retreat with davidji -affiliate link- coupon code for $150 discount- dreamlife2018 

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Special Thanks to Christopher Lloyd Clarke for music